How to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus Infection by Improving Your Immunity

The outbreak of COVID-19 human coronavirus has provoked widespread health concerns with over 90,000 cases reported so far. The novel virus is known to be contracted from animals and is suspected to have originated from a wet meat market in Wuhan, China. Most of the known carriers of the new coronavirus infection are confined in China and will remain there while detection and strict isolation measures are carried out.

However, the virus has now spread to several other countries and although the numbers are still comparably low here in the US (at the time of writing it is under 117 known cases and nine deaths reported), it’s important we take precautions.

What are the symptoms and who is most at risk of coronavirus transmission?

The severity of cases has varied from no symptoms at all, or mild flu-like symptoms, to serious respiratory complications that have proved fatal. The initial symptoms of coronavirus may appear 2-14 days after exposure and include:

  • High fever (normal body temperature should be around 37°C (98.6°F)
  • Dry cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue and muscle pain

The people who are most at risk of coronavirus infection may be those with a weaker immune system such as older adults, or those with pre-existing medical conditions.

Coronavirus transmission appears to be through droplets when people sneeze or cough, although researchers are attempting to confirm whether the virus is also airborne. That would mean it could be much harder to contain as it could travel and spread through things like air conditioning units and hang around longer. Either way, taking measures to prevent and protect ourselves from the inside out, will help improve our immunity.

Is there a cure for coronavirus?

Currently, there is no specific coronavirus treatment or cure. Trials are underway on existing drugs which have been used to treat other infectious diseases such as Ebola and HIV, but doctors are not yet certain of their effectiveness against COVID-19 coronavirus. Several pharmaceutical companies are working on a coronavirus vaccine, but they will have to successfully complete numerous stages of clinical trials before the general public can receive them. This is another reason why it’s imperative to help build your immunity in natural ways without having to rely only on pharmaceutical drugs that may come with unwanted side-effects.

Strengthen your immunity

While the US government and public health are preparing for potentially more cases, there are numerous things you can do to help improve your immunity against the coronavirus infection:

  1. Gut Health
    Our modern lifestyles and medicines have meant that antibiotics have become widely used to treat a variety of conditions. While they are lifesavers in many situations, keep in mind that most man-made antibiotics can suppress the immune system and kill the essential bacteria in the intestinal tract. Most modern superbugs are also resistant to common antibiotics, so prevention is essential. If you have been taking antibiotics, ensure you take care of your gut health to help strengthen your immunity again. Probiotic 10 Billion is a great option to help you restore your gut health.

  2. Take Preventatives
    Be sure to include immune supporting foods and supplements into your diet such as fresh fruit and vegetables, filtered water and D-Lenolate® Olive Leaf Extract. D-Lenolate® contains powerful oleuropein and has been shown to increase the body’s resistance to viruses, bacterial infections and even fungal diseases. Back in ancient times, one would chew on the selected olive leaves to gain the medicinal benefits, now it’s extracted as D-Lenolate® in a special, patented way to retain the goodness.

  3. Eliminate Toxins
    Avoid things that can contribute to lower immunity such as smoking, alcohol and unhealthy foods. Each of these things release cell-damaging toxins into your body, which in turn makes it harder for your body to fight against coronavirus infection or any other diseases.

  4. Cooking
    Cook all meats thoroughly and try to source meats, fish and agricultural products locally, rather than imported from China. Until the facts surrounding coronavirus transmission are confirmed, it may be wise to source your food as fresh and locally as possible.

  5. Hygiene
    Wash hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use alcohol gel for travel use. You instantly increase your immunity from coronavirus infection and many other types of diseases simply by keeping your hands clean. Facemasks are not currently recommended for the general public in the US. Although if you are suffering from any type of respiratory condition or cold, it can be useful to wear one in public spaces to contain droplets and stop the spread of any viruses.

  6. Sleep
    When you feel tired and lethargic from lack of sleep, it’s tougher for your body to ward off viruses. As you’re snoozing, your body repairs and regenerates millions of cells, so it requires good quality rest for this to take place. Make sleep a priority for strengthening your immune system.

Lastly, try your best not to fear catching the human coronavirus. Take all the precautions advised by Public Health as well as your own safeguards like D-Lenolate® and Probiotic 10 Billion, and foods rich in vitamins and minerals. This is will significantly help to protect yourself and improve your immunity.

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