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The Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract on Brain Health

The Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract on Brain Health

Olive leaf extract is a natural supplement that has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its numerous health benefits. While it is well-known for its ability to improve heart health and boost immunity, many people are not aware of the positive impact it can...

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10 natural ways to get relief from sore throat

10 natural ways to get relief from sore throat

A sore throat is a common ailment that affects people of all ages. It can be caused by a variety of factors such as a viral or bacterial infection, allergies, or dry air. A sore throat can be quite uncomfortable and can make it difficult to swallow or talk. While...

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10 Natural Remedies for Dandruff

10 Natural Remedies for Dandruff

Dandruff is a common scalp condition that affects many people worldwide. It is characterized by the appearance of white flakes on the scalp, which can be quite embarrassing and uncomfortable. While there are many over-the-counter treatments available for dandruff,...

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10 Natural Ways to Increase Energy, Agility and Endurance

10 Natural Ways to Increase Energy, Agility and Endurance

There are many natural ways to increase energy, agility, and endurance. These strategies can help you feel more alert and energetic, and they can also improve your physical performance. Here are some natural ways to increase energy, agility, and endurance: Get enough...

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10 benefits of Aloe Vera to hair and skin

10 benefits of Aloe Vera to hair and skin

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that has been used for centuries for its healing and medicinal properties. The clear gel that is found inside the leaves of the plant contains a wealth of nutrients and active ingredients that are beneficial for both skin and hair. Here...

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Candida Albicans and Sinus Infections

Candida Albicans and Sinus Infections

Though it is naturally present in the body, Candida albicans overgrowth can cause an imbalance that may lead to a wide range of health issues. Symptoms can be confusing, so we recommend using our free questionnaire to lear more about your symptoms and how prevalent...

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Digestive Issues Caused by Candida Albicans

Digestive Issues Caused by Candida Albicans

Candida Albicans is a type of fungus that is naturally present in the human body, particularly in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and vagina. In healthy individuals, the growth of Candida Albicans is kept in check by the body's immune system and the presence of...

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Early Symptoms of Menopause

Early Symptoms of Menopause

When the word ‘menopause’ is mentioned, it tends to be referred to those of a mature age. However, women’s bodies start preparing for this phase of life, before it actually happens. In fact, as many as 8 in 10 women experience early symptoms of menopause long before...

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Seasonal Flu, Covid and Other Viruses in 2022

Seasonal Flu, Covid and Other Viruses in 2022

After two years of lockdowns, mask-wearing and vaccines, it looks like covid-19 is here to stay and be ‘managed’ rather than eradicated altogether. Just like influenza and the common cold, covid has become one of the viruses that we can unknowingly be exposed to at...

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The Frankie Boyer Show

The Frankie Boyer Show

Listen to East Park Research's president, Geoff Melcher, on The Frankie Boyer Show. Geoff and Frankie discussed Candida, gut health, weight issues, the immune system and more! Audio Transcript This is the Frankie Boyer show medically and your voice for healthy living....

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The Most Commonly Missed Symptoms of Yeast Infections

The Most Commonly Missed Symptoms of Yeast Infections

Yeast infections from candida overgrowth are extremely common, but you might not even know you have one unless it presents itself as the typical symptoms. For many, it can feel like they just get over feeling unwell, only to start feeling new, seemingly unrelated...

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10 Powerful (All-Natural) Dry Skin Winter Remedies

10 Powerful (All-Natural) Dry Skin Winter Remedies

The winter season may be beautiful and festive, but it can be super hard on the skin. Humidity in the air can drop, cold winds and heating can all contribute to dry, flaky skin during the winter season. But it doesn’t have to be the case! We look at 10 powerful dry...

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Probiotics: Fact or Myth? Debunked…

Probiotics: Fact or Myth? Debunked…

It seems crazy to think that there can be more bacteria living in our gut than the number of cells in our whole body. But it’s true! These microscopic organisms actually contribute a lot to our health and wellbeing. When our gut bacteria becomes out of balance from...

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Olive Leaf Extract: Shingles Relief or Urban Myth?

Olive Leaf Extract: Shingles Relief or Urban Myth?

There are many old myths and wives’ tales surrounding natural treatments for viral infections such as shingles and other skin rashes. Today, we look closely at olive leaf extract and how it can help relieve the pain and discomfort caused by shingles. Plus, some common...

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Top Health Benefits and Uses for Indium Mineral

Top Health Benefits and Uses for Indium Mineral

Looking to improve your health and energy levels naturally? While there is no single magic solution for everyone, there are some natural elements that have powerful benefits for our health. Indium mineral is one of them. Today we are taking an in-depth look at Indium...

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Probiotics Guide: Types, Benefits and Side effects

Probiotics Guide: Types, Benefits and Side effects

What are probiotics good for and which is the best one to take? When to take probiotic foods or supplements? Which probiotic to take with antibiotics? You will learn the answer to all these questions and more by the end of this article as we delve into probiotics with...

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What is Olive Leaf Extract Good For?

What is Olive Leaf Extract Good For?

The olive tree has been a symbol of life, representing feelings of peace, health, stability and tranquillity since ancient times. From the fruit to the leaf and even the bark, every part of the olive tree can be used holistically. What is olive leaf extract good for?...

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Increased Energy and Natural Hormonal Balance for Men

Increased Energy and Natural Hormonal Balance for Men

It’s a common belief that only women experience hormone issues or symptoms related to imbalanced hormones, but men do too! Although, men’s and women’s hormones seem very different, we actually have the same hormones, just different levels of them, and they work in...

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Soothe Muscle Pain from Covid-19 and Flu

Soothe Muscle Pain from Covid-19 and Flu

In our previous article, we talked about natural remedies to relieve the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Today, we are looking at natural ways to soothe muscle and joint pain that can be a side effect of covid-19 and other viruses. Covid-19 caused unprecedented...

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5 of The Best Natural Ways to Relieve Arthritis Pain

5 of The Best Natural Ways to Relieve Arthritis Pain

May is arthritis awareness month and while over-the-counter pain medication is often used for managing arthritis, there are other natural remedies that can help too. We look at 5 natural ways to relieve arthritis pain and the inflammation that usually comes with it.  ...

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All-Natural Ways to relieve sinus infections

All-Natural Ways to relieve sinus infections

Feeling the signs of a dreaded sinus infection coming on? We are looking at some all-natural ways to relieve sinus infections and the uncomfortable symptoms that come with them. Let’s just start by saying that when we say all-natural, we mean zero artificial...

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COVID-19: How Different Is It Compared to the Flu?

COVID-19: How Different Is It Compared to the Flu?

It’s been over one year since the first reported outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan China. According to the reported statistics, there have now been over 130 million cases worldwide at the time of writing (5 April 2021). But can it be compared to the flu? Here’s what we do...

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Seasonal Flu Vaccines: Less Effective than a Placebo?

Seasonal Flu Vaccines: Less Effective than a Placebo?

Every year in the run-up to flu season, one of the main pieces of advice we are given is to get flu vaccines. This is to prevent hospitalization from influenza’s notorious respiratory symptoms. Creating flu vaccines to be effective for everyone is not an easy task....

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The History of Olive Leaf Extract

The History of Olive Leaf Extract

Although its popularity has increased widely over the past few decades, olive leaf actually has a long history dating back thousands of years BC. We’re taking a look at how it was used back then, and how it became so popular today.   What is olive leaf extract? Olive...

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The Different Uses of Olive Leaf Extract

The Different Uses of Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract is a nutrition-rich, versatile remedy that can be taken as a supplement or used from top to toe for countless ailments. Today we are looking at the different uses of olive leaf extract, how to use it, and why it works to benefit various areas of the...

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Top 10 Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract for Skin and Hair

Top 10 Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract for Skin and Hair

Olive leaf extract is one of nature’s most versatile supplements and has been used in medicine and cosmetics for centuries. Today we are rounding up the top 10 benefits of olive leaf extract for your skin and hair, and why it works. Whether you choose to take olive...

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Is Olive Leaf Extract Good for Hair?

Is Olive Leaf Extract Good for Hair?

You may have heard about the health and beauty benefits of olive oil, but did you know that the leaves of the olive tree also contain powerful properties for skin, hair, and overall health? Not to be confused with olive oil, which is made from the fruits of the olive...

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History of Aloe Vera and its Medicinal Use

History of Aloe Vera and its Medicinal Use

You may be familiar with aloe vera in many products we use today, but did you know it has powerful medicinal properties? Not many people know the history of aloe vera and its medicinal use, so we are digging back in time to check out the facts.   Aloe vera has...

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5 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Gut Health

5 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Gut Health

The aloe vera plant is a powerhouse of nutrients and medicinal benefits. It contains 20 types of amino acids, 12 anthraquinones, 12 vitamins, 8 enzymes, 20 minerals, 4 plant sterols, as well as saponins, salicylic acid, and lignins. That’s a lot of nutrients inside...

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The Immune Enhancing Properties of Aloe Vera

The Immune Enhancing Properties of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has long been praised for its unique soothing and healing abilities. But did you know it can also enhance your immune system? Today we are delving into the immune-enhancing properties of aloe vera and how it works to help our body fight viruses.   What...

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The Links Between Probiotics and Mental Health

The Links Between Probiotics and Mental Health

Ever noticed that when you are not feeling yourself, your eating patterns may change? Or when you are nervous, you feel it deep down in your stomach? This is because your brain and gut are intimately connected. And it is for this reason that the links between...

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Probiotics for Weight Management: How it works

Probiotics for Weight Management: How it works

Probiotics have been shown to improve gut health, but can they help us to lose weight? Today we are looking at probiotics for weight management, how it works, and things to be aware of.   What are probiotics? Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that support...

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Replenishing Your Gut Health After Antibiotics

Replenishing Your Gut Health After Antibiotics

Antibiotics are used by millions of people in the U.S every year as a preventative and treatment of bacterial infections. Aside from the global concerns about antibiotic resistance, gut health is another area to feel the effects of these bacteria-killing medicines....

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Probiotics for Acne: How Our Gut Affects Our Skin

Probiotics for Acne: How Our Gut Affects Our Skin

Do probiotics for acne really work? Long story short – yes, they can. Today we are looking at how probiotics can work to reduce acne and improve skin health. According to recent findings, acne affects up to 50 million individuals in the United States alone. And it’s...

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6 Cold and Flu Medication Ingredients to Avoid

6 Cold and Flu Medication Ingredients to Avoid

When experiencing the symptoms of a cold or flu, most people don’t think twice about taking some over-the-counter medicine for relief. After all, health professionals recommend them and they are taken by millions of people around the world. The packaging may highlight...

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5 Foods to Avoid When You Have a Cold or the Flu

5 Foods to Avoid When You Have a Cold or the Flu

When feeling the symptoms of a cold or flu, many of us reach for the foods and drinks to bring some comfort and relief. Perhaps a refreshing glass of orange juice or a bowl of chicken soup are your go-to options. Whatever you choose, it’s worth keeping in mind that...

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What Are the Most Common Cold and Flu Symptoms in 2020?

What Are the Most Common Cold and Flu Symptoms in 2020?

Every year, as much as 200,000 people in the U.S are taken to hospital for flu-related conditions. Millions more catch a cold. Today we are discussing the most common cold and flu symptoms so you can tell the difference. Differences between cold and flu symptoms It's...

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How Do I Protect Myself from Getting the Flu?

How Do I Protect Myself from Getting the Flu?

Every year during the winter season, millions of people around the world are struck down with influenza virus. One of the main questions we see people asking is, how do I protect myself and family from getting the flu? As recommended by the CDC, the best way to...

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Top Health Benefits of Children Taking Vitamins

Top Health Benefits of Children Taking Vitamins

Without a doubt, the best source of vitamins for kids is from fresh foods. However, there are many benefits of children taking vitamins in the form of supplements. Do children really need to take vitamins, or do they get enough from diet alone? The American...

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What are the 10 Best Vitamins and Minerals for Children?

What are the 10 Best Vitamins and Minerals for Children?

and When it comes to knowing what vitamins and minerals your children should intake every day, it can be hard to know where to start. We’re hoping to simplify this today by talking about the top 10 vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients for kids. Children and young...

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