Early Symptoms of Menopause

When the word ‘menopause’ is mentioned, it tends to be referred to those of a mature age. However, women’s bodies start preparing for this phase of life, before it actually happens. In fact, as many as 8 in 10 women experience early symptoms of menopause long before periods stop. 

So when it comes to menopause, what age is normal? There is no ‘normal’ age! Menopause in women does tend to start from around age 45-55, but can start earlier or later. When women start the menopausal process before the age of 45, this is classed as early menopause.


Causes of early menopause

Why does it start early for some and late for others? There are a several causes of early menopause in women, let’s look at the most common:

  • Genetics
  • Damage to ovaries, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Smoking
  • Lack of exercise
  • Lack of sun
  • Lack of protein
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Removal of ovaries
  • chemotherapy


How to know if you are experiencing early menopause?

The best thing to do is talk to your doctor about any concerns you have with early menopause. They will be able to run some tests to see your hormone levels and check if the symptoms you have are indeed related to early menopause.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common early symptoms of menopause and the best natural ways to manage them if or when they arrive…


10 most common early symptoms of menopause

  • Irritability
  • Tiredness
  • Insomnia
  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Longer periods
  • Low sex drive
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Thinning hair


Why it’s important to get treatment for early menopause?

When we go through menopause, our estrogen levels start to drop. These hormones play a vital role, not only in reproduction but also in heart health, bone health and brain health. Those who go through premature menopause are at risk of experiencing health conditions that would usually only be seen in older women.

It’s not about fighting or postponing menopause but knowing how to make the symptoms more manageable and less noticeable in your day-to-day life. By getting the right treatment for early symptoms of menopause, it will help to preserve health, prevent premature illness and make you feel more like you again.


Natural treatments for early menopause symptoms

Many women don’t want to take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) because it comes with its own side effects. However, there are also several natural ways to reduce the symptoms and bring your hormones to more youthful levels.


Hormone-free, all-natural supplements

If you search on for natural treatments for early menopause, you will likely see similar results pop up for herbal remedies. Keep in mind, that not all are made with high quality natural ingredients. Another thing is that many of these products aim to address the symptoms, rather than supporting your body health wise, and so they may give other unwanted side effects.

However, there are all natural supplements that work for both the symptoms and for supporting your body in the most essential areas. For example, a trusted, scientifically backed formula with ingredients like Indium, selenium, magnesium, and potassium would provide unmatched support compared to say one herb that is trending on the internet right now.

That’s why the all-natural and hormone-free Menopausal Support with Indium by East Park Research is a leading choice for early menopause symptoms.


Dietary changes

We all know our body needs good nutrients, but what about micronutrients? These are nutrients that we only need a very small amount of each day, but nevertheless, they have a powerful impact on our body. For our biochemical processes to continue working correctly, or at more youthful levels, these micronutrients play an important role. Aside from a supplement packed with micronutrients like the those discussed above, it’s helpful to add plenty into your diet too.

Micronutrients are especially important for treating symptoms of early menopause because the body is going through extra work and requires more of the right supplies. So what exactly are they and which foods are they found?

Early menopause in women can increase risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and other health conditions. The two most important micronutrients to help prevent these conditions are calcium, vitamin D. Foods rich in calcium and vitamin d include leafy greens like kale, spinach, and collards, soybeans, white beans, salmon, and some fortified foods such as oatmeal and cereals.

Dietary estrogens

As estrogen levels drop during early menopause, it can be helpful to add dietary estrogens into your diet. These are known as phytoestrogens and they can be found in foods or supplements. Good sources of phytoestrogens can be found in foods such as flaxseed, soy beans, lima beans, tofu, tempeh, sprouting seeds, chickpeas and lentils.



The last thing most women want to do when they are experiencing early symptoms of menopause is to start a new exercise routine. Fear not, exercise is not a proven method of reducing symptoms like night sweats and hot flashes, so we’re not about to tell you otherwise!

However, gentle exercise can be extremely beneficial for mental health during this time. It is one of the best natural stress relievers and helps to maintain a healthy weight. Gentle exercise like walking, swimming and some types of yoga or pilates is excellent for the muscles without much strain for the heart and bones.


Check out our blog for more articles on women’s health and holistic wellbeing.



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