Top Health Benefits of Children Taking Vitamins

Without a doubt, the best source of vitamins for kids is from fresh foods. However, there are many benefits of children taking vitamins in the form of supplements.

Do children really need to take vitamins, or do they get enough from diet alone?

The American Association of Pediatrics stated that “healthy children receiving a normal, well-balanced diet do not need vitamin supplementation over and above the recommended dietary allowance.”

It’s meeting that daily dietary recommended amount that can be challenging with children. Plus, there are certain times when kids need more nutrients than usual.

For example, if a normally healthy child is experiencing a temporary illness like a cold, flu, diarrhea, diet alone is unlikely to be enough.

Furthermore, the body cannot store many of our essential daily vitamins, so it’s wise to replenish them regularly.

Which vitamins are not stored by the body?

Vitamins B and C are both water soluble vitamins. Our cells use the nutrients,  then any excess  passes through urination. Unlike other vitamins that can be stored in fat cells, water soluble vitamins are not stored, so kids and adults need to top up on the more regularly.

Here are some of the top benefits of children taking vitamins:

  • Supports healthy growth and development
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Improves gut health and helps to prevent tummy bugs
  • Increases concentration and memory
  • Can help with behavioral disorders
  • Gives them micronutrients they may not receive from food
  • Strengthens teeth and bones
  • Provides healthy fuel for energy
  • Installs healthy habits from a young age
  • Promotes good eyesight.


How to add more vitamins and minerals into your child’s diet?

Giving your child enough fresh fruit and vegetables can be challenging if they are picky eaters or not feeling well. In these cases, supplements may be a wise choice.

There are hundreds of vitamin supplements designed for children – many of them are gummies in cute shapes and colours. However, not all children’s vitamins are made equally.

Some children’s vitamins are made with artificial ingredients, sugar, and dyes to make them more appealing to kids.

If they are ingesting artificial ingredients daily, regardless of whether they contain vitamins, it could lead to an upset tummy. Since the gut is the epicenter for overall health, we want to keep their tummies feeling as good as possible.

When purchasing vitamins for children, ensure that they are easy-to-swallow and free from sugar and artificial ingredients.


Children’s Health and Vitamin Statistics.

Deficiencies in micronutrients are a serious global problem for children’s health.

According to the CDC, it’s estimated that 190 million pre-school age children around the world have a vitamin A deficiency.

The WHO suggests that around 42% of children under 5 years old worldwide are anemic, largely caused by deficiencies in iron and vitamin B12.

Another study found that 9% of the participants, which is equivalent to 7.6 million children across the U.S, were deficient in vitamin D.



It’s evident that there are millions of children around the world who are not getting sufficient nutrients from diet alone. The benefits of children taking vitamins are evident.

There are also micronutrients that assist with brain, gut, and overall health for children, but are not found in everyday foods.

Oleuropein is one such example of a powerful micronutrient that’s not found in food. The natural compound is found in olive leaves and contains antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Kids can take oleuropein in the form of d-Lenolate Easy-to-swallow for Children, as a natural way to strengthen their immune system and increase protection from incoming pathogens.

Taking supplements to complement the diet is a useful way to avoid nutrition gaps.  Early years development are some of the most important, so it is crucial for kids to receive enough vitamins and minerals every day.

Not sure which vitamins are best for children to take? Check out our recent article on the top 10 vitamins and minerals for kids, how they work, and where to find them.

Be sure to check the label for dosage amounts and if in any doubt, always consult with a pediatrician for recommended daily vitamin amounts for your child.

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