How Your Hormones Affect Energy Levels – Women’s Support

Do you wake up feeling tired after a full night sleep? Or do you find lacking energy when you need it most? For women, our hormones can affect everything from our mood to our sleep, appetite, and energy levels. Today we are looking at the links between the hormonal balance, why our energy levels are affected, and how to resolve it naturally.

There are many types of hormones, but today we are looking at the main three – estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Both men and women have each of these hormones, but we have varying amounts and they work differently for both men and women.

Let’s get to know them in more depth to see how these hormones affect energy levels.



Estrogen is a hugely important hormone for brain and body health. There are multiple types of estrogen, and they have numerous roles in the body including the regulation of glucose metabolism and energy production. When estrogen becomes out of balance for your personal body, you may experience symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and low mood.

This is because estrogen impacts all of our main neurotransmitters including serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. Many things can affect women’s estrogen levels including obesity, excess blood sugar, low body fat, even certain scents and sounds for example the sound of a baby’s laugh or baby powder has actually been shown to trigger estrogen response.



Progesterone is not talked about so much, but it has many important roles in the female body, including helping the thyroid to release hormones into the cells, reduce stress and anxiety, and even helping to reduce helps hot flushes. This hormone has also been described as one of nature’s anti-depressants as it promotes a chemical called GABA for a more restful sleep and reduces anxiety. Balancing progesterone can reduce hot flushes, reduce brain fog, and help you feel emotionally calmer.

Several things can affect the levels of progesterone including peri and post menopause. Stress is another big contributor to depleting progesterone levels. When our bodies are making cortisol (stress hormone) all day, it sacrifices the production of progesterone. Also, too much estrogen makes symptoms of low progesterone worse. To produce progesterone, plenty of nutrients are required through food, and the body needs to be able to properly absorb those nutrients. It’s also important to manage stress and reduce excess estrogen to keep the balance. When progesterone goes up, estrogen comes down.



Many people think of testosterone to be more of a men’s hormone, but women have it too! Interestingly, women actually produce more testosterone during pregnancy. It has several important roles around the body including maintaining or building muscle mass, mood regulation, stamina, bone, and heart health.

Testosterone also impacts the limbic system which is where our emotions are. It can enhance dopamine and serotonin release, as well as the production of GABA, a calming neurotransmitter that relaxes the body. This is why a change in the balance of testosterone, can affect our mood and drive to ‘get up and go’. Several things can suppress testosterone levels including exercise, the monthly cycle, menopause, and opioid-based pain medication, especially when taken for long periods of time.


Women’s support for hormonal balance

We have discussed how these three main hormones affect energy, and one big factor that affects them all is menopause. As we age, the levels of these hormones naturally decrease and the symptoms of these changes manifest differently from person to person.

However, premenopausal women can also suffer with hormone imbalance throughout periods of life as we go through stressors or big life events like pregnancy.

Taking hormones supplements is not always the answer. Much of these can be synthetic or incompatible with the body, unable to turn it into the hormone desired.

There are more natural ways to balance your hormones, increase energy, and reduce many of the symptoms of menopause and hormone imbalance.

Aside from having a balanced diet with plenty of multivitamins, Indium mineral is one of the best ways to help rebalance your hormones naturally, help your body absorb more nutrients and increase energy.

How does it work?

Hormonal balance menopausal support with Indium helps you to feel energized throughout the day, boosts endurance and increases muscle strength with its unique formula of 100% natural ingredients. The best part? It contains zero hormones!

Indium is an earth mineral that triggers natural anti-aging responses in the body including rebalancing the hormones to more youthful levels. Whether you need support, before, during, or after the menopause, the indium in this patented formula is designed to eliminate the unwanted symptoms, so you can get back to life with full energy.

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