West Nile Virus and Olive Leaf Extract

West Nile Virus and Olive Leaf Extract

It is believed that West Nile Virus originated in Africa about 1,000 years ago. Shortly thereafter, it spread to Europe, and it has since been found in Asia and the Middle East as well. But it was not until 1999 that the virus broke out in the United States. Once it...
HIV & Olive Leaf Extract

HIV & Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract has proven to be beneficial to your various ailments and to your body’s immune system. Olive leaf extract helps the body naturally fight off viruses and pathogens that can cause colds, the flu and other diseases to develop. This incredible substance...

d-Lenolate® Studies and Research

Several significant studies have been made and published documenting the powerful correlation of both Olive Leaf Extract and specifically d-Lenolate to a myriad of life threatening viral and bacterial diseases. The following are studies and research of highly defining...

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