The Most Commonly Missed Symptoms of Yeast Infections

Yeast infections from candida overgrowth are extremely common, but you might not even know you have one unless it presents itself as the typical symptoms.

For many, it can feel like they just get over feeling unwell, only to start feeling new, seemingly unrelated symptoms. But that’s the thing with candida. The symptoms don’t always present themselves the way you may expect, leading you to think it’s not candida at all, but something else. Then we end up treating only the symptoms but not the cause…

The thing is, candida overgrowth is not just a common thing we should have to live with. It affects many areas of our wellbeing and can be life-threatening to those with weakened immune system.

There are various health problems that can be considered a likely indicator of Candida albicans overgrowth (chronic candidiasis). Some of them may seem completely unrelated to a yeast infection, but they can all be accentuated by candida overgrowth. These can be:

  • fatigue
  • depression or irritability
  • inability to concentrate or memory loss
  • general sick feeling
  • asthma; bronchial or lung problems
  • allergies or hay fever
  • headaches; muscle aches or weaknesses
  • joint pain
  • gastritis
  • heartburn
  • constipation or diarrhea
  • gas or bloating
  • intestinal problems
  • vaginal burning, itching, or discharge
  • infertility
  • recurrent yeast infections or vaginitis in women
  • vaginal, prostate, urinary, or other infections; urinary tract problems
  • stroke and cardiovascular problems
  • prostatitis
  • endometriosis
  • menstrual problems or PMS
  • mouth sores
  • nail infections
  • scalp and facial hair problems
  • skin problems; psoriasis or itching
  • jock itch
  • food allergies or sugar cravings


Other yeast-induced dysfunctions include chemical sensitivities; chronic fatigue; stomach, liver, or intestinal problems; glandular problems; and perhaps even psychological imbalances.

As you can see this is a huge list of potential health problems that can be caused or made worse by candida overgrowth.

Having these symptoms doesn’t mean you have a yeast infection, but the more of these health issues you are experiencing, the more likely it is that candida are overgrowing in your body and causing problems.


How does this happen?

The reason it can feel like one thing after another, or chronic reoccurrences with candida is because the overgrowth can start after a period of low immune health such as a viral infection. Or a candida overgrowth can happen after taking antibiotics. Though you may start to feel better from taking antibiotics, it also wipes out the good bacteria, leaving an opportunity for candida to grow faster. And what’s the other thing that makes candida grow fast? Sugar.

The reason candida can make us have sugar cravings is because they thrive off glucose! Imagine feeling low, recovering from an illness or operation. The immune system would be in a weakened state, giving candida the prime opportunity to grow. Then add some comfort food into the mix, making us feel a bit better at the time, but giving candida another chance to thrive in this state.

Medication can also affect the balance of natural fungi and bacteria found in our body including candida. In this case it can feel like fighting a losing battle with candida when the medication you need causes these types of side effects. However all is not lost, there is a solution. And it’s 100% natural!


The natural solution to yeast infections

There are some far-flung, sometimes downright dangerous suggestions for treating yeast infections out there on the internet, many of which can leave you feeling worse off both physically and financially. Prescription treatments for candida are not always an ideal solution for many either, with many reportedly experiencing repeat episodes of symptoms or unwanted side effects.

What about avoiding sugar if that is the cause?

Avoiding sugar may have become the norm for many sufferers of chronic candida overgrowth, but it’s not the only way to beat the fungal infection.

 A natural solution has been found and proven to work with no side effects and much less expensive than most candida treatments – especially for those with reoccurring yeast infections.

The solution is found on the olive tree! However, we’re not talking about olives but the leaves…

Olive leaves contain several nutrients that are beneficial to our health including a natural antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral compound called oleuropein. For candida particularly, oleuropein is a powerful agent to fight the fungal growth at its core.

The oleuropein and other nutrients are carefully extracted through a patented process to ensure the high-quality nutrients remain intact. The d-Lenolate olive leaf extract can then be taken conveniently as a capsule to treat fungal infections.

In fact, there are hundreds of testimonials of d-Lenolate olive leaf extract from people who have been relieved to find a solution that really works. It has also been scientifically proven to reduce candida overgrowth and the uncomfortable symptoms that go with it.

If you have been suffering from any of the symptoms listed above, but not realized it had anything to do with candida, or you suffer from chronic yeast infections, olive leaf extract may well be that solution you have been looking for. Ensure to choose an established, proven high-quality brand of olive leaf extract like d-Lenolate for best results.


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